Hart Blog

Expert advice on everything doors and shutters, from the knowledgeable team at Hart Doors

Which security rating do I need? LPS1175 security ratings explained

High security door
Hart manufactures a range of LPS1175 security shutters with security ratings of SR1, SR2, SR3 and SR4, tested and certified by the LPCB.

Why maintenance is more than just keeping your doors functional

Door maintenance call out and repair
Maintenance is more than just keeping your doors functional. Book a service with Hart Doors to ensure you comply with regulations.

What Type of Commercial Doors Are Best?

Yellow doors
Choosing the right commercial doors for your business can be challenging at the best of times. There are countless designs, materials, features and configurations to choose from, so it’s important to consider performance, purpose and function.

3 Ways to keep a cleanroom ‘clean’ – surfaces, air, operation

Speedor installation in Leicester
3 ways to keep a cleanroom clean. How to control a cleanroom environment and the role that access plays.

Best Ways To Secure Your Business Premises

Intruder trying to break through business premise security
Boost security in your workplace. Hart Doors looks at the best ways to secure your business premises.

Control the internal temperature in your factory/warehouse

3 ways to control internal temperatures.
It is a challenge to maintain internal temperatures within a building. Here are 3 ways to control it.

How to Ensure Your Business Premises is Safe and Secure

Intruder trying to break through business premise security
Securing the entrance to your business is one of the most important steps you can take to ensure your property remains safe. The level of protection you require will depend on the type of business you run, where your property is located, the risks you face and a variety of other factors.

What are the different types of industrial doors?

Different types of industrial doors
Touching on a few types of industrial doors to help you meet your access, environmental control and security needs.

The Importance of Maintaining Your Security Shutters

SR4 security shutters for Western Power
Why you should maintain your security shutters. Find out five reasons, how to do it, what you can do yourself and booking a service.

Which Types of Doors are Suitable for Warehouses or Factories?

Internal roller door
Warehouses and factories require specific types of doors to ensure they are safe and functional spaces. As with any kind of regulated environment, only certain types of doors will be suitable.