Explore hands-free access – for a safe and secure workplace
As along-established and pioneering designer and manufacturer of commercial and industrial doors, we put our extensive door system knowledge at the heart of what we offer. This includes hands-free access.
The safety and wellbeing of those using our door systems has always been a priority of ours and is a priority of the customers who use our doors.
This is why, as more companies return to work during this pandemic, we wanted to highlight alternative solutions to door operations that can provide hygienic alternatives to push buttons and in some cases add an additional level of security.
Whether you are exploring options of a retrofit to your current door system or perhaps an overhaul of your approach we are able to identify the best solution to you.
To give you some idea of what is available we’ve summarised some options below and you can find more information in this PDF.
The Magic Switch
Using radar technology, this device, which can be retrofitted to your current solution, has a detection area between 10cm and 50cm. It is therefore well suited for doors requiring ease of access such as in a hospital, hotel, or restaurant or in industries such as retail, logistics, and pharmaceutical.
Photocell sender and receiver
Using beam technology, the Photocell sender and receiver can detect all traffic types. It offers flexible mounting positions on bollards or handrails and can be placed up to three metres away from the door. Due to its flexibility in range and mounting it is often well utilised in industrial settings but can also provide safe and secure access to internal doors.
Light Curtain device
The Light Curtain, again using beam technology, works in pairs to variable lengths but at a maximum width of six metres and can be mounted either vertically or horizontally.
The beams emitted from the Light Curtains offer a means of detecting a presence in the door path without actual contact. The sensory input can also then hold the doors fully open while traffic passes through, reducing the potential for contact and possible injury. For this reason, it is often well suited to logistics and warehouse settings.
Electronic card reader access
Electronic access control systems are increasingly being used to enhance safety and security in hospitals and residential care homes. And they can be especially beneficial when escorting patients in wheelchairs or beds or when carrying sterile equipment and hands-free access is required.
The readers can be easily installed as a replacement to standard readers where you need to physically place a card on to the reader. There are also added safety measures such as being able to locate members of staff and detect when doors are left open.

We are able to retrofit a range of sensors that can offer multiple safety and security benefits to your existing door solution.
The full range can be explored here with options including the Condor Sensor which is best suited to outside use and is a good alternative to induction loops, and the LZR Widescan, which can not only provide safe and hygienic door access but also an incredible level of security for your premises.
Induction floor loops
Perhaps the more invasive of the options available, but still a common request is the installation of induction loops. This popular solution is extremely robust and can identify the presence of a vehicle over a wire loop buried under the road surface and signal its presence to a control device.
Our experienced technical team are able to fit this solution fast and efficiently to provide you with a long-term solution for accurate detection and with its ABS function the loop can be made sensitive enough to detect even raised floor vehicles, trail tillers or fork-lifts.
For more information on any of the options please contact us to discuss your requirements.