Hart abroad – King Abdulaziz International Airport
Working at King Abdulaziz International Airport, Jeddah, Hart Door Systems completed an order for 177 fire and security shutters for the baggage conveyor handling system. Hart was responsible for providing a two-hour fire seal on openings in the firewalls within the terminal.
As the conveyors pass through the openings it was necessary to seal them above, from underneath and the sides, to prevent fire penetration. These implications required Hart to complete a further fire test of a completed assembly to UL standards, a world first.
Hart also worked with Antemina International on a door project at Baghdad International Airport. This project was an interesting logistical challenge in that Hart had to ship 16 fire shutters, some 8m wide x 3.8m high in five containers to the port at Basra and then by road to Baghdad, a large order, from a weight point of view, of about 30 tonnes.”
Hart also supplied fire and security systems for baggage handling at Aqaba Airport for Gate Technologies, as well as 12 Speedor ‘Supers’ for Dubai International Airport.
A further airport contract is at Casablanca International where Hart has just completed a fire and security shutter installation.
Back in the UK Hart delivered a range of products, from Speedor high-speed doors to a range of fire and security shutters on contracts at Heathrow, for the Lakesmere, Building Envelope Specialists, where four Speedor ‘Supers’, ranging in size from 2.807m to 3.75m wide to 2.6m high are required, and at Gatwick for Morgan Sindall PLC on the South Terminal Airside Bag Drop Development.
As can be seen Hart is active across the globe on airport projects of widely differing sizes. Not only does this success pay testimony to Hart’s product range but to the company’s reputation for delivering British engineered excellence.
There are door solutions for conveyor systems, doors that provide security, frequent action, high speed options and that prevent smoke and fire spreading all helping airports with their green foot-print by saving energy.
This unique level of product specialism for airports comes from Hart’s policy to drive door systems development, subsequent, exhaustive, product testing that ensures the systems produced by Hart work and are practical.