Best Ways To Secure Your Business Premises

What’s the best way to secure your business premises? It is an essential part of protecting assets and making your staff feel safe and comfortable.

Depending on the size and layout of your building and grounds, there are many methods available to boost security in your workplace.

The first step is to have a professional risk assessment carried out. It’s wise to have an assessment performed to identify the most vulnerable areas of your business, making it easier to formulate an effective strategy.

Always use qualifying LPS1175 products listed in the LPCB Red Book/Red Book Live to ensure the products are of the correct standard and fit for purpose. Low quality products can act as a deterrent but they will not provide the correct level of protection in the event of an attack.

Sometimes it also pays to ask local police for advice on how to protect your business. They understand the areas are at a greater risk of crime, and how high the risk is. Police will also be able to offer information about the level of security required at your business premises.

What methods are available to boost security in your workplace?

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Security Doors

Security doors, lights and cameras are the three foundations of keeping your business secure.

A well-fitted security grille or door is a huge deterrence to would-be burglars.

At Hart Doors, we offer high-security doors and security shutters. We also provide a wide range of other doors, shutters and grilles.

Security doors are suitable for both staffed and unstaffed business premises, with built-in alarm systems.  We’re here to consult on what your business needs.

Lights & Cameras

No security system is 100% without lights and cameras.

This doesn’t have to be a sophisticated system with a control room and a security guard. Often lights and cameras act as enough of a deterrence to burglars as they are.

As well as improving general security, fitting lights, cameras and security doors can usually help bring your insurance premiums down.

It’s an investment worth making. Contact a reputable company who provide quality imaging such as Active CCTV.

Security Training Is Important

Comprehensive security training for staff on-site is an essential part of keeping your business safe. It should be available for all staff, from managers to employees.

The knowledge of what to do in an emergency or security situation is invaluable.

Some basics covered by security training include emergency response, and risk assessment of specific conditions at the workplace, and a reporting system for excellent communication between staff.

Perform regular checks on security measures at your business

Whether it’s checking the soundness of security doors, the function of lights and cameras, or keeping your staff up-to-date on the best response in an emergency, performing regular checks is the safest way to make sure your business is secure.

Criminals will regularly check certain areas – especially in places like business parks – for weak spots. They will change their methods regularly and try to find ways around your security.

It’s worthwhile performing a security check at least once a year, giving your security team a rundown to make sure everything is still effective.

Get in touch with us to find out how we can help you secure your business.

Intruder trying to break through business premise security